What’s More Important, Praying or Doing? I want to thank Tony for his question: what is the balance between just praying for good things or taking actions to make them…
Why Don’t Christians Follow Jesus? Not too long ago I caught up with a former coaching client of mine who shared how valuable our work together had been in his…
Wounded Healers: What Role Does Suffering Play in our Life? I want to talk today about suffering. Now that’s a cheery topic. But let thank David for the suggestion for…
Does Manifesting Work? Can Our Thoughts Control What Happens to Us? I want to talk today about whether manifesting works to change our lives. Thank you Sheri for requesting this…
How Can Churches Overcome Racism? Today I want to talk about racism and focus on what role churches can play to help overcome it. This is a good Sunday to…
When Our Need for Belonging and Meaning Gets Lost in “Conspirituality” and Cults Today I want to speak about the importance of connection through community and to shed some light…
How Evil Works Within Our Society and What We Can Do to Combat It A few weeks back in our discussion we turned to how we address evil thoughts. I…
We Must Show Up for Each Other Christmas Eve is such an incredible night to gather together and sing familiar songs and read about the baby Jesus being born. There’s…
Is Jesus Coming Again? Is Jesus coming again? What does the Second Coming mean? These are questions a number of you in our community have been asking. It is a…
Why Don’t We See Miracles As They Did in Jesus’ Time? Today, I want to explore why miracles no longer occur as they did with Jesus and his disciples. It’s…