We Must Show Up for Each Other Christmas Eve is such an incredible night to gather together and sing familiar songs and read about the baby Jesus being born. There’s…
Is Jesus Coming Again? Is Jesus coming again? What does the Second Coming mean? These are questions a number of you in our community have been asking. It is a…
Why Don’t We See Miracles As They Did in Jesus’ Time? Today, I want to explore why miracles no longer occur as they did with Jesus and his disciples. It’s…
What are Spiritual Tools to Battle Addiction? Addiction in America is at an all-time high. We tend to think of addiction in terms of drugs or alcohol, but when we…
Which Religion is the Best? Which religion is the best? This question has led to some major conflicts, but also some great humor. You may have heard the story of…
How Does Prayer Work? I love the scene in the classic movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” when all the friends of the hero, George Bailey, are praying for him just…
7 Reasons Christian Churches Must Play A Leadership Role in Post-Election America 2020 As we meet on this historic Sunday after the election of 2020, President-elect Biden has won a…
How to Love Ourselves: 10 Strategies for Self-Care Let’s talk about self-care. We are all familiar with the great commandment of Jesus to love our neighbors as we love ourselves,…
What’s a Christian Response to Climate Change? Let’s talk about Climate Change. The issue of Climate Change has risen to become one of the most important for Americans. Over half…
Why Would a Loving God Send People to Hell? Let’s talk about hell. A man who lived a bad life finds himself ushered into hell. He sees everyone standing up…